Principles and strategies of antimicrobial stewardship in the neonatal intensive care unit

Patel SJ, Saiman L

Semin. Perinatol. 2012 Dec;36(6):431-6

PMID: 23177802

The judicious use of antibiotics is an important means to limit the emergence of antibiotic-resistant organisms. Although specific guidelines for neonates are often lacking, antibiotic stewardship principles can be applied to the neonatal intensive care unit. [Read more…]

Evaluating the accuracy of electronic pediatric drug dosing rules

Kirkendall ES, Spooner SA, Logan JR

J Am Med Inform Assoc 2014 Feb;21(e1):e43-9

PMID: 23813541

OBJECTIVE: To determine the accuracy of vendor-supplied dosing eRules for pediatric medication orders. Inaccurate or absent dosing rules can lead to high numbers of false alerts or undetected prescribing errors and may potentially compromise safety in this already vulnerable population. [Read more…]

Sensitivity and specificity of dosing alerts for dosing errors among hospitalized pediatric patients

Stultz JS, Porter K, Nahata MC

J Am Med Inform Assoc 2014 Feb;

PMID: 24496386

OBJECTIVES: To determine the sensitivity and specificity of a dosing alert system for dosing errors and to compare the sensitivity of a proprietary system with and without institutional customization at a pediatric hospital.

METHODS: A retrospective analysis of medication orders, orders causing dosing alerts, reported adverse drug events, and dosing errors during July, 2011 was conducted. Dosing errors with and without alerts were identified and the sensitivity of the system with and without customization was compared.

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A systematic evaluation of different methods for calculating adolescent vaccination levels using immunization information system data

Gowda C, Dong S, Potter RC, Dombkowski KJ, Stokley S, Dempsey AF

Public Health Rep 2013 Nov-Dec;128(6):489-97

PMID: 24179260

OBJECTIVE: Immunization information systems (IISs) are valuable surveillance tools; however, population relocation may introduce bias when determining immunization coverage. We explored alternative methods for estimating the vaccine-eligible population when calculating adolescent immunization levels using a statewide IIS.

METHODS: We performed a retrospective analysis of the Michigan State Care Improvement Registry (MCIR) for all adolescents aged 11-18 years registered in the MCIR as of October 2010. We explored four methods for determining denominators: (1) including all adolescents with MCIR records, (2) excluding adolescents with out-of-state residence, (3) further excluding those without MCIR activity ≥ 10 years prior to the evaluation date, and (4) using a denominator based on U.S. Census data. We estimated state- and county-specific coverage levels for four adolescent vaccines.

RESULTS: We found a 20% difference in estimated vaccination coverage between the most inclusive and restrictive denominator populations. Although there was some variability among the four methods in vaccination at the state level (2%-11%), greater variation occurred at the county level (up to 21%). This variation was substantial enough to potentially impact public health assessments of immunization programs. Generally, vaccines with higher coverage levels had greater absolute variation, as did counties with smaller populations.

CONCLUSION: At the county level, using the four denominator calculation methods resulted in substantial differences in estimated adolescent immunization rates that were less apparent when aggregated at the state level. Further research is needed to ascertain the most appropriate method for estimating vaccine coverage levels using IIS data.

Progress in immunization information systems – United States, 2012

MMWR Morb. Mortal. Wkly. Rep. 2013 Dec;62(49):1005-8

PMID: 24336133

Immunization information systems (IIS) are confidential, computerized, population-based systems that collect and consolidate vaccination data from vaccination providers that can be used in designing and sustaining effective immunization strategies. To monitor progress toward achieving IIS program goals, CDC annually surveys immunization program grantees using the IIS Annual Report (IISAR). Results from the 2012 IISAR, completed by 54 of 56 grantees, indicate that 86% (19.5 million) of U.S. children aged <6 years, and 25% (57.8 million) of U.S. adults participated in IIS.

[Read more…]

Evaluating Washington State’s immunization information system as a research tool

Jackson ML, Henrikson NB, Grossman DC

Acad Pediatr 2014 Jan-Feb;14(1):71-6

PMID: 24369871


OBJECTIVE: Immunization information systems (IISs) are powerful public health tools for vaccination activities. To date, however, their use for public health research has been limited, in part as a result of insufficient understanding on accuracy and quality of IIS data. We evaluated the completeness and accuracy of Washington State IIS (WAIIS) data, with particular attention to data elements of research interest.

METHODS: We analyzed all WAIIS records on all children born between 2006 and 2010 with at least 1 vaccination recorded in WAIIS between 2006 and 2010. We assessed all variables for completeness and tested selected variables for internal validity. To assess external validity, we matched WAIIS data to records from Group Health, a large integrated health care organization in Washington State. On these children, we compared vaccination data in WAIIS with vaccination data from Group Health’s immunization registry.

RESULTS: The WAIIS data included 486,265 children and 8,670,234 unique vaccinations. Variables required by WAIIS (such as date of vaccination) were highly complete, but optional variables were often missing. For example, most records were missing data on route (80.7%) and anatomic site (81.7%) of vaccination. WAIIS data, when complete, were highly accurate relative to the Group Health immunization registry, with 96% to 99% agreement between fields such as vaccination code and anatomic site.

CONCLUSIONS: Required data elements in WAIIS are highly complete and have both internal and external validity, suggesting that these variables are useful for research. Research requiring nonrequired variables should use additional validity checks before proceeding.

Evaluation of Immunization Data Completeness Within a Large Community Health Care System Exchanging Data With a State Immunization Information System

Hendrickson BK, Panchanathan SS, Petitti D

J Public Health Manag Pract 2013 Dec;

PMID: 24378608


CONTEXT:: Information systems are used by most states to maintain registries of immunization data both for monitoring population-level adherence and for use in clinical practice and research. Direct data exchange between such systems and electronic health record systems presents an opportunity to improve the completeness and quality of information available.

OBJECTIVE:: Our goals were to describe and compare the completeness of the Arizona State Immunization System, the electronic health record at a large community health provider in Arizona exchanging electronic data with the Arizona system, and personal immunization records in an effort to contribute to the discussion on the completeness of state-run immunization registries and data exchange with these registries.

DESIGN:: Immunization histories from these sources were collected and reviewed sequentially. Unique dates of vaccination administrations were counted for each patient and tagged on the basis of comparisons across sources.

RESULTS:: We quantified completeness by combining information from all 3 sources and comparing each source with the complete set. We determined that the state registry was 71.8% complete, the hospital electronic health record was 81.9% complete, and personal records were 87.8% complete. Of the 2017 unique vaccination administrations, 65% were present in all 3 sources, 24.6% in 2 of the 3 sources, and 10.4% in only 1 source. Only 11% of patients had records in complete agreement across the 3 sources.

CONCLUSION:: This study highlights issues related to data completeness, exchange, and reporting of immunization information to state registries and suggests that there is some degree of deficiency in completeness of immunization registries and other sources. This study indicates that there is a need to strengthen links between electronic data sources with immunization information and describes potential improvements in completeness that such efforts could provide, enabling providers to better rely on state immunization registries and to improve research utilization of immunization information systems.

A National Survey of Immunization Programs Regarding Immunization Information Systems Data Sharing and Use

Curran EA, Seib KG, Wells K, Hannan C, Bednarczyk RA, Hinman AR, Omer SB

J Public Health Manag Pract 2013 Dec;

PMID: 24378609


OBJECTIVE:: To determine and characterize practices regarding data sharing and usage (particularly for research) in immunization information systems (IISs), as well as barriers to using such data for research.

DESIGN:: We surveyed immunization program managers (IPMs) associated with all 64 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention grantee immunization programs (IPs) between July and September 2012.

RESULTS:: More than 95% of IPMs (61/64) responded. The top 2 barriers reported by IPMs to using IIS data for research were insufficient time and too few employees, irrespective of whether or not the jurisdiction reported using data for research purposes. Those IPMs who agreed with the statement “Research is part of the mission of an immunization program” were more likely to report using data for research (P = .045). Among those who responded, the most common kind of IIS research conducted involved determinants of vaccination coverage (n = 24/26; 92%). A greater percentage of IPMs in jurisdictions that reported using IIS data for research reported having data-sharing agreements in place. Those IPs that have used IIS data for research were more likely to report online IIS provider enrollment, integration with insurance company records, and integration with hospital records. Alternatively, IPs that did not report using IIS data for research were more likely to have IISs with modules addressing topics such as adverse event reporting, smallpox, and first-responder vaccination.

CONCLUSION:: Staff size and time were the 2 most cited barriers to conducting research with IIS data. Therefore, focus should also be placed on providing IPs with the resources needed to conduct such research.

Immunization Information Systems: A Decade of Progress in Law and Policy

Martin DW, Lowery NE, Brand B, Gold R, Horlick G

J Public Health Manag Pract 2014 Jan;

PMID: 24402434


This article reports on a study of laws, regulations, and policies governing Immunization Information Systems (IIS, also known as “immunization registries”) in states and selected urban areas of the United States. The study included a search of relevant statutes, administrative codes and published attorney general opinions/findings, an online questionnaire completed by immunization program managers and/or their staff, and follow-up telephone interviews.The legal/regulatory framework for IIS has changed considerably since 2000, largely in ways that improve IIS’ ability to perform their public health functions while continuing to maintain strict confidentiality and privacy controls. Nevertheless, the exchange of immunization data and other health information between care providers and public health and between entities in different jurisdictions remains difficult due in part to ongoing regulatory diversity.To continue to be leaders in health information exchange and facilitate immunization of children and adults, IIS will need to address the challenges presented by the interplay of federal and state legislation, regulations, and policies and continue to move toward standardized data collection and sharing necessary for interoperable systems.