Preserving Patient Privacy and Confidentiality in the Era of Personal Health Records

Opinion piece that maintains that electronic health record patient portals be “designed to manage sensitive information, … able to differentiate between who is logging in and flex the data available to be viewed on the basis of the individual’s access type.” Avoids discussion of who decides what should be considered private and how the work of marking data sensitivity should be performed.

[su_cite_pediatrics url_fragment = ‘135/5/e1125’ author = ‘Bourgeois’ year = ”] | PubMed 25869372 | Author Search

Integrated Personal Health Record Use: Association with Parent-reported Care Experiences

aKaiser Permanente survey of parents of children with chronic disease on PHR use, concluding that they do use such systems. In the post-implementation survey, 2/3 of respondents said they had used the PHR in the prior year, and half of those said they had used it at least 6 times in that period.

[su_cite_pediatrics url_fragment = ‘130/1/e183’ author = ‘Tom’ year = ‘2012’] | PubMed 22689872 | Author Search

Are patient-held vaccination records associated with improved vaccination coverage rates?

McElligott JT, Darden PM

Pediatrics 2010 Mar;125(3):e467-72

PMID: 20156897

OBJECTIVE: The goal was to determine whether patient-held vaccination records improve vaccination rates.

METHODS: The public-use files of the 2004-2006 National Immunization Survey, a national, validated survey of households with children 19 to 35 months of age, were used. The main outcome was up-to-date (UTD) vaccination status (4 diphtheria-tetanus-acellular pertussis/diphtheria-tetanus vaccine, 3 poliovirus vaccine, 1 measles vaccine, 3 Haemophilus influenza type B vaccine, and 3 hepatitis B vaccine doses), and the main predictor was the use of a vaccination record. [Read more…]

Personal Health Record Use and Association with Immunizations and Well-child Care Visits Recommendations

Tom JO, Chen C, Zhou YY

J. Pediatr. 2014 Jan;164(1):112-7

PMID: 24120019

OBJECTIVE: To determine the association of parental use of integrated personal health records (PHRs) with children’s adherence to immunization and well-child care (WCC) visit recommendations.

STUDY DESIGN: For the immunization and WCC visit measures, we retrospectively analyzed, respectively, 766 and 639 matched pairs at Kaiser Permanente (KP) Hawaii and 2795 and 2448 pairs at KP Northwest who were ≤ 31 days old at enrollment and continuously enrolled for 2 years between January 2007 and July 2011. [Read more…]