Pediatric Complex Chronic Conditions Classification System Version 2: Updated for ICD-10 and Complex Medical Technology Dependence and Transplantation

An ICD-10 update of the pediatric complex chronic conditions (CCC) classification system from 2000. The system includes diagnostic and procedural codes that incorporate a new neonatal CCC category as well as domains of complexity arising from technology dependence or organ transplantation. Linked electronic supplementary material provides SAS and Stata code, plus tabular information on codes.

Feudtner 2014 (BMC Pediatrics) | PubMed 25102958 | Author Search

The Transition to ICD-10-CM: Challenges for Pediatric Practice

An evaluation of diagnostic codes from Medicaid claims data that suggests that the use of the CMS General Equivalency Mappings will result in loss or obfuscation of clinical concepts. 40% of ICD-9 diagnostic codes in this study were the undefined “999.99,” which suggests that conclusions from analysis of this data set may be limited due to the poor quality of the coding efforts upstream of these data. Given that ICD-9 itself obfuscates much clinical detail in the first place, the jury is still out on whether ICD-10 is better or worse for pediatric care than its predecessor.

[su_cite_pediatrics url_fragment = ‘134/1/31’ author = ‘Caskey’ year = ‘2014’] | PubMed 24918217 | Author Search