Impact of Electronic Health Record-Based Alerts on Influenza Vaccination for Children With Asthma

A prospective, cluster-randomized trial of the use of a flu-shot reminder alert in pediatric primary care, showing only modest effects. Vaccination opportunities in children with asthma increased from 14.4% to 18.6% at intervention sites and from 12.7% to 16.3% at control sites, a 0.6% greater improvement. The authors conclude that if one is using an immunization reminder system, “the addition of an influenza reminder system may be helpful, especially in the setting of urban resident-teaching practices.”

[su_cite_pediatrics url_fragment = ‘124/1/159’ author = ‘Fiks’ year = ‘2009’] | PubMed 19564296 | Author Search

Registry-Linked Electronic Influenza Vaccine Provider Reminders: A Cluster-Crossover Trial

A randomized cluster-crossover study of alerts in an EHR (Allscripts Sunrise) that received information electronically from the state immunization registry. Significantly bu only slightly more non–up-to-date children seen when the reminder was on were vaccinated than when it was turned off (76.2% vs 73.8%). Its effects were greater later in the flu season (likely because flu shots are less commonly given at that time).

[su_cite_pediatrics url_fragment = ‘135/1/e75’ author = ‘Stockwell’ year = ‘2014’] | PubMed | Author Search

Text Message Reminders for Second Dose of Influenza Vaccine: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Assesses the efficacy of adding certain educational content to text-message reminders in a largely Latino, inner-city population of infants and children needing their second flu shot during a season. Investigators found a small but significant effect of the explanation of the need for a timely second dose (72.7% immunized on time versus 66.7% with conventional text message versus written reminder-only arm (57.1%).

[su_cite_pediatrics url_fragment = ‘135/1/e83’ author = ‘Stockwell’ year = ‘2014’] | PubMed 25548329 | Author Search